Human Rights Policy

The Human Rights Policy of the Titan Kogyo Group

The Human Rights Policy of the Titan Kogyo Group

The Titan Kogyo Group’s corporate philosophy upholds the ideals of “customer orientation, efficient management, and social contribution,” and the Group shall undertake its corporate activities with the goals of further enriching people’s lives and contributing to society. We understand that respect for human rights, the fundamental rights that all people are born with, is the foundational premise of our corporate activities as well as a corporate responsibility, and we shall promote respect for the human rights of all people involved in our corporate activities in accordance with this policy.

1. Scope of Applicability
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Titan Kogyo Group. We also encourage the suppliers and business partners of the Titan Kogyo Group to respect human rights in accordance with this policy.

2. Respect for Human Rights
The Titan Kogyo Group shall comply with the laws, regulations, and social norms of each country and region in which it conducts its corporate activities, and it shall uphold and respect international norms concerning human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

3. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
The Titan Kogyo Group shall not engage in any form of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, ideology, creed, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, disability, or social status.

4. Respect for Workers’ Rights
The Titan Kogyo Group shall respect the fundamental rights of workers, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. It shall not tolerate forced labor or child labor in any form. It shall also eliminate discrimination in hiring and career development and shall create safe and healthy work environments.

5. Education and Training
The Titan Kogyo Group shall provide proper education and training to ensure that all officers and employees have a correct understanding of human rights, and that this policy is incorporated into all corporate activities.

6. Human Rights Due Diligence
The Titan Kogyo Group shall establish a framework for human rights due diligence. Through this framework, it shall strive to identify, prevent, and mitigate the adverse effects of its corporate activities on human rights.

7. Corrective and Remedial Measures
If the Titan Kogyo Group discovers that its corporate activities have caused or encouraged adverse effects on human rights, it shall take appropriate corrective and remedial measures through due process.

8. Explanation and Information Disclosure
The Titan Kogyo Group shall disseminate information related to its human rights initiatives both inside and outside the company in an appropriate manner. It shall also promote communication in cooperation with diverse stakeholders, and that cooperation shall be reflected in its own human rights initiatives.

9. Dialogue and Discussion
With regard to initiatives carried out on the basis of this policy, the Titan Kogyo Group shall utilize expert knowledge pertaining to human rights from sources outside the company and shall engage in dialogue and discussion with those who are affected by its corporate activities in good faith.

Enacted: August 10, 2023
Titan Kogyo, Ltd.
Yasuo Inoue
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